5 Ways to Liven Up Your Landscape & Hardscape Designs

5 Ways to Liven Up Your Landscape & Hardscape Designs

As our landscapes in Delaware and the Tristate area begin to sprout fresh leaves and blooms, moods cannot help but be positively affected. Liven up your landscape this spring. Something about the vibrant greens, yellows and accent colors that are so aesthetically pleasing that homeowners everywhere work fervently each year to make their landscapes competitive.

If you are looking for ways to accentuate your patio, pool or some other hardscape design in your landscaping, look at some of the following suggestions that will add color, texture and liven up your outdoor living space.


1) Perennials That Add Color Each Year:

Perennials are the gift that keeps on giving, season after season. Unlike annuals that need planted each year, perennials come back bigger and better each year. While some perennials are easier to care for than others, they definitely require less effort from year to year:

10 New Perennials to Perk Up Your Garden


2) Native Drought Tolerant Plantings:

Planting heat and drought-tolerant native plants, such as American hazelnut, Ornamental Grasses, Salvia, Lavender or Black-eyed Susan is a great low-maintenance way to enhance your landscaping. Native plants need less tending as they literally thrive in the natural soil composites and climate in which they were born to live:

List of Native Heat and Drought Tolerant Plants

3) Mosquito Repellent Plants:

Those long summer evenings are an enticement to hang outside into the wee hours of the night. There is nothing like watching the endless blinking of lightening bugs and the chirp of crickets. However, the mosquito’s sting can inhibit many from enjoying the warm summer air. That is why we suggest planting some of these mosquito repellent plants:

Mosquito Repellent Plants: 25 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes Naturally

4) Sun Loving Plants:

Sun and summer go together, so why wouldn’t you want to enhance your landscaping with sun-loving plants? Check out these plants that have efficient root systems and leaves designed to retain moisture that will shine vibrantly in your garden all summer long:

10 Sun-Loving Plants That Thrive in Summer

5) Dwarf Shrubs:

For many patio borders or boxed gardens, shrubs tend to crowd out the seasons best color producers. Planting dwarf shrubs is a very viable option that will offer a low maintenance way to give your garden color year round:

10 Great Low-Maintenance, Dwarf Shrubs

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302-764-0408 | DiSabatinoInc.com


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