Outdoor Living Space

A Helpful Guide to Begin Spring Planting

Using USDA Map Zones

Spring weather has officially arrived. While temperatures around the region have begun to warm up, there are still a few frost warnings in our area of the Brandywine Valley. This means that many homeowners are wondering when they should begin getting their outdoors ready.

According to the USDA Map of the United States, this area of Delaware and Pennsylvania is ranked Zone 7. Temperatures are generally mild this time of year – not as hot as the South and not as cold as New England. Keep in mind there are two areas of Zone 7 as well. Zone 7a’s lowest temperatures hit a few degrees cooler than Zone 7b’s. 

The relatively comfortable climate of Zone 7 means a large variety of trees and plants can thrive here. Cool weather vegetables such as cabbage, onions, potatoes, and kale can usually be planted in late February to early March. Lettuce, tomatoes, and herbs should be planted in late April to early May.

You’ll want to wait until the last frost, which is usually between the end of March and beginning of April, to begin putting flowers outside. That should be over now, although there was a frost warning on Monday night. Make sure temperatures have been consistently above 50 degrees to make sure they don’t freeze.

Flowers in Zone 7 that do well include Black-Eyed Susan’s, sage, lavender, catmint, roses, hydrangeas, and canny lilies.

If you want to learn more about what will thrive in your backyard regarding sunlight and shade, give DiSabatino Landscaping a call and we’ll be happy to discuss how to create the ideal landscape that thrives in your home.

Summer landscaping - DiSabatino